Early sign up for 2024-2025 season
August 17--Prairie Delta Waterfowl
Season Warm-up at Dickinson County
Izaak Walton/Spirit Lake
August 19-25--Heartland Grand at Ackley, IA
Sept. Season Start-Up shoot at Ackley, IA
Sept. 2--Graettinger Sporting Clays
Sept. 7--Ned DeBoer shoot at Sibley
Sept. 8--ATA shoot at Fairmont, MN
Sept. 15--Hot Shots sporting clays
Sept. 22--Emmet County Kickoff Shoot
TBD--Prairie Lakes Delta Waterfowl Banquet
TBD--Clay County Pheasants Forever Banquet
mid February--DryFire practice
Mar. --Clay County Ducks Unlimited Banquet
Mar. 16--Breakfast Fundraiser at Ruthven Legion
Mar. 16--St. Pat's Shoot/Cylinder (no Rookies or 1st year athletes. Open to adult shooters also)
TBD --Algona
TBD--Emmetsburg Hot Shots
TBD--Humboldt at Palmer
TBD--Pocahontas at Palmer
May 2-3--Emmet County at Estherville
TBD--Emmetsburg Hot Shots (IA Games)
May 11--LAYTC
TBD --GTRA/Spencer home meet
Dates to be determined
May--Pocahontas (doubles and handicap
May --Emmetsburg Hot Shots(Doublesand Handicap)
May 25-26--Memorial weekend--set up and take down flags with American Legion at Cemetery
State SCTP Shoot/Cedar Falls
Dates and order of events TBD
June --Monday--Intermediates 200 singles
half of the targets shot in the morning; the other half in the afternoon
June --Tuesday--Rookie 100 singles
half of the targets shot in the morning; the other half shot in the afternoon
June --Tuesday--Intermediates 200 Singles
half of the targets shot in the morning; the other half in the afternoon
June -Wednesday--all levels 100 targets
June --Thursday--all levels 100 targets
June --Friday -Saturday--High School
200 Singles
half of the targets shot in the morning; the other half in the afternoon
June--Iowa Games shoot at Sportsmans Park in Cylinder
July--BBW Fundraiser Shoot/GTRA Bulls Eyes
Late August: Early sign-up for 2025-2026 season
August--Finals for Iowa Games at Ankeny
August--Season Dust Off--Prairie Lakes Delta Waterfowl at LAYTC range
August--Heartland Grand at Ackley
Season Start-up shoot at Stockdale Gun Club of Ackley.
September--Graettinger Sporting Clays